English is the official language of the conference;
the paper should be written and presented only in
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3). Submission Types
* Abstract submission for presentation only without
* Full paper submission for both presentation and
4). Paper Length
Each full paper should be no less than 8 pages,
including all figures, tables, and references. When
it exceeds 10 pages, extra page will be charged at 60 USD / 400 RMB /
1). Download the Paper
Template for formatting your paper.
2). Submit your paper to
Online Submission System or
- via online submission system: an account is
needed, if you don't have, please register first.
- via mailbox: the email subject should be named as
"Submission-ICIMH 2025-Full Paper/ Abstract".
3). The conference secretary (icimh_contact@126.com) will
contact you within three working days once receiving
your submission.
2025 will not accept any paper that, at the time of
submission, is under review for, has already been
published in, or has already been accepted for
publication in, a journal or another venue with
formally published proceedings.
Articles submitted to the conference should report
original, previously unpublished research results,
experiments or theories and must not be under
consideration for publication elsewhere. We firmly
believe that ethical conduct is the most essential
virtue of any academic. Any act of plagiarism is
unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be
tolerated. If an author is found to commit an act of
plagiarism, the following acts of sanction will be
1) Reject the article submitted or delete the
article from the final publications.
2) Report the author's violation to his/her
supervisor(s) and affiliated institution(s).
3) Report the author's violation to the appropriate
overseeing office of academic ethics and research
funding agency.
4) Reserve the right to publish the author's
name(s), the title of the article, the name(s) of
the affiliated institution and the details of
misconduct, etc. of the plagiarist.
Copyright © The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Medicine and Health (ICIMH 2025)